Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE - "14: The Report of My Death"

Don't you just hate when you're with a bunch of people, and one person says an inside joke that pertains to another group of individuals, and without that context, the atmosphere becomes awkward as you don't know how to take it since it's not necessarily funny and really kind of distasteful? Since you all are my friends, when I say "Rest in Peace " I am jokingly acknowledging that that friend is currently not present, but is still alive and well which makes it kind of ironically funny and all in good fun. Ilymark. And Mark. Who is alive. And not dead.

Last Friday, the usual cast, sans-Mark (who was off at a business conference being all Mr. Fancy ooooh I'm doing something with my life because I Am Alive and not dead) joined me in studio for a longer than usual episode of Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE. Sitting in for Mark is SMA Friend Natassia Anne, who you may remember from an episode of Truth Bombs last year.

In the hefty hour and forty minutes Rakush talks about March Madness, Julian has a Dragon Age 2 overload, Natassia crafts mines and I'm super late to the Batman Arkham Asylum party. In between we rap about the Woodies, motion controlled baseball, fightan gamez, and at the end break off into chaos when we discuss... cereal. You can partake in the deliciousness here.

As always this is courtesy of our favourite people in the whole wide world, CFRE. You can be sure to catch us next Friday, 2 - 3 pm EST for more Saturday Morning Goodness.


14: "The Report of My Death" [via CFRE]
