Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE - "19: Spelled With A Kay"

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Naming podcast episodes is a weird process. First it was going to be "Spelled With A K", but having two single letters beside each other seemed awkward. Then I was going to go with "Does Arkade Kount", but then it wouldn't really ko... count seeing as they never used K to replace a C midway (HA!). Then I settled with "Spelled With A Kay", even though that looks kind of awkward too.

I think you know where this episode is going. Last Friday I was joined by Mark and Rakush as we rapped about the latest happenings in the video game world... and by latest happenings I mean the new Mortal Kombat. Aside from our initial impressions and comparing it to other fighting games, we talk more about Dissidia and WWE All Stars. In terms of news and conversation we touch upon Portal 2 User Reviews, what we're expecting at E3, PSN Blackout Assumptions, Team ICO delays, Mario and Sonic, Nintendo's Staying Power, Fast Five and Riding on the Hype Train. You can get your fatality on HERE.

Hey did you check out that video? If you haven't guessed, that was our first attempt of Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE!... Live! Streaming to you live from the CFRE Booth, it's a new way to experience our talk radio show. That means there are now two ways to join us every Friday at 2pm EST! You can listen to our lovely voices via CFRE or awkwardly watch and chat with us on JustinTV! Or you can just wait for the start of the week for Mp3 posts such as this one. Pretty awesome right?


19: "Spelled With A Kay" [via CFRE]
