The Humble Indie Bundle 7 Launches Today

Hot of the heels of the Humble THQ Bundle comes The Humble Indie Bundle 7. Once again, the Humble Team is offering another great bundle under the pay what you want model. The package includes:

-The Binding of Isaac (+ Wrath of the Lamb DLC)
-Shank 2 (Mac version currently in beta)

In addition, you will also get a 720p/1080p download of the feature length documentary Indie Game: The Movie, as well as FLAC/MP3 versions of each title's respective soundtracks (sans The Binding of Issac).

As always, the bundle gives buyers DRM-free direct downloads of each title, and are compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Paying more than $1 grants Steam keys, allowing users to add them to their digital client libraries. Paying more than the average bundle price (which is $5.80 during the time of writing) also unlocks the following:

-Dungeon Defenders (+ a ton of DLC)
-Legend of Grimlock
-Their respective soundtracks in FLAC/MP3

As mentioned earlier, buyers are able to pay whatever they choose for the bundle. From there, they may divide up that sum and choose where their money goes to, whether it be towards the games developers, to charity (The EFF and/or Child's Play), the Humble Team or any combination of the three. 

Anyone that is interested in the bundle should definitely check out the official Humble Bundle website. The package will be offered for the next two weeks, and if their past offerings are any indications, they will most likely add additional titles in the upcoming days (perhaps the sixth Humble Bundle for instance).
