2 Weeks in a row! Join Jaren, Matt, Rakush and Julian from his grave for this week's edition of Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE! This week we break phones and talk about Midnight Club, Psychonauts, Minecraft, Horse Junk, LA Noire, Monster Hunter 3U, BBC (the news station you pervs), some more Dead Space 3, Skylanders and more. You can check it out on our MixCloud stream below:
SaturdayMorningArcade - Dog Meets Dogmeat by Saturdaymorningarcade on Mixcloud
As always, ou can listen to us live on CFRE Radio on the Saturday nights we do do our shows, or just wait for them to be uploaded onto our Mixcloud a day or two after. Next Saturday we hope to bring your our "Sony February 20th Announcement" Wishlist/Predictions episode. Hopefully you can join us for that. It will probably happen around 10:00pm EST over at CFRE, but you can check out our respective Twitter accounts the night of for more info. Remember, you can also follow us on Facebook, YouTube and Tumblr for more SMA goodness.
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