This past weekend, the city of Toronto hosted the annual Toronto Comic Arts Festival (May 11 - 12). This celebration of illustration also brought forth proper videogame representation in the form of their second annual Comics vs. Games event (May 9 - 12) which also housed the indie game showcase Bit Bazaar (May 11). Of course, members of the Saturday Morning Arcade team were present to witness all the excitement first hand - so much so that they couldn't wait another week to tell you all about it! If you couldn't join the gang on May 11th, we have you covered. It's time for even more Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE!
Julian, Matt, Noel & Rakush rap about TCAF, Comics vs. Games, Bit Bazaar, indie games Storyteller, Gorogoa, Framed, Where Is My Heart, Super Time Force, Spellirium and The Yawhg. You can get your swampy butts ready by downloading the podcast version via Mediafire here, streaming it via Mixcloud here or listening to the embedded player below:
Until next time friends,
Julian, Matt, Noel & Rakush rap about TCAF, Comics vs. Games, Bit Bazaar, indie games Storyteller, Gorogoa, Framed, Where Is My Heart, Super Time Force, Spellirium and The Yawhg. You can get your swampy butts ready by downloading the podcast version via Mediafire here, streaming it via Mixcloud here or listening to the embedded player below:
SaturdayMorningArcade - TCAF Special by Saturdaymorningarcade on Mixcloud
As always, you can join us almost every Saturday when we broadcast our show LIVE! When all our shenanigans take place, you can listen in over at Be sure to keep an eye out on our respective Twitter accounts for more solid information regarding broadcasting times. If you have any questions, comments or topics you want discussed on our show, you can alway shoot us an e-mail at with the subject "LIVE!".
Until next time friends,
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