Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE! - S3E25: Collector's Edition!

Don't you just hate it when you're at Ribfest and you stuff too much food into your mouth? Don't get me wrong, the food tastes great. Who doesn't love good food? But it's when all that food gets digested by your stomach do things get messy.

With that being said, it's time for a Saturday Morning Arcade Collector's Edition episode. What makes it a collectors edition you ask? Almost nothing really. Its the same thing thing and post style as last week but this time with Jaren missing. So whats going on this time? Why not check out this episode of Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE! to find out. Period.

This week Rakush, Julian, and Matt talk about the delectible ribs, the possible selling of Atlus, the point of special sdition games, the money spend on Steam sales, e-sports, and changes to Zelda. You can get your weekly dose of SMA by downloading here or streaming it in the player below:

0:00 - The Rib-iew
11:40 - Atlus to be unindexed
14:14 - The First Special Collectors Edition
33:10 - $ummer $team $ale 
40:25 - Competitive Video Game EVOlution
59:10 - The Zelda Formula
1:17:29 - New Podcasts Closing

As always, you can join us almost every Saturday when we broadcast our show LIVE! When all our shenanigans take place, you can listen in over at Be sure to keep an eye out on our respective Twitter accounts for more solid information regarding broadcasting times. If you have any questions, comments or topics you want discussed on our show, you can always shoot us an e-mail at with the subject "LIVE!".

Did you know we're also now on iTunes? You can find us by visting the iTunes store and searching "Saturday Morning Arcade". Once there you can listen to all of our Saturday Morning Adventures, or episodes of Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE! starting from last week. Afterwards, why not rate us and leave us a comment? Doing so not only helps us get a better footing in the iTunes podcast landscape, but also helps us make our show even better!

Until next time friends, 

Saturday Morning Arcade LIVE! - S3E25: Collector's Edition
