In a galaxy not so far away, an intergalactic war has broken out between humans and an alien race known as The Jayrod. This conflict has spawned many battles, casualties and opportunities for heroes to rise. This is one of those opportunities.
Joining you on this mission are space scavengers Punchy, Leon, and C.Harli. During their exploration of an abandoned ship, a questionable battle tactic results in a little fall for one of our heroes. Though, one little fall has big consequences in space - even if you manage to recover.
You can continue the exploration by downloading the audio MP3 version here or streaming it through the embedded player below:
Make sure to check out Saturday Morning Arcade every Thursday for the latest episode of our journey. Now friends, let's set sail for ADVENTURES!
Credit to Kevin MacLeod of for his song "Space Fighter Loop" which is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 ( licenses/by/3.0/)
Credit to Kevin MacLeod of for his song "Space Fighter Loop" which is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (
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